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Brand Spotlight: Mitsubishi Electric

Learn About Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating

Since its operations began in 1921, Mitsubishi Electric has grown to become one of the most highly regarded companies in the world.
Mitsubishi offers several lines of home comfort products like ductless mini splits (with the highest SEER ratings in the industry), VRF (variable refrigerant flow) hotel air conditioning systems, high-definition thermostats, home appliances, and power devices and systems. 


Mitsubishi Electric's  HVAC products are perfect for residential and commercial applications. They exceed standards set forth by companies such as U.S Green Building Council, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Air Conditioning Contractors of America, and the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), advancing Mitsubishi Electric Ductless Air Conditioning as a leader in the ductless market.





With almost 100 years in the industry, Mitsubishi has been a technological marvel year after year. 

Their approach to ductless air conditioning is not only ideal for homes and commercial buildings with space constraints, but also a key ingredient in eco-friendliness. The high SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating on their ductless air conditioners means they operate on less energy. The standard air conditioner split system usually starts up with a big bang of energy consumption when trying to reach for lower a certain temperature, and that’s not exactly what you want when you are trying to save on your monthly statements. Mitsubishi's ductless air conditioners, in contrast, are powered by an inverted compressor for pinpoint accuracy.


These ductless air conditioners maintain an idle setting and incrementally adjust themselves according to the temperature change in the zone they are cooling or heating. This reduces the initial big bang the bulkier ducted split systems cause when turning on. Mr. Slim Ductless Air Conditioners are designed to heat and cool where and when you need it. Back from a hard day at work and ready to relax in your study room? Zone it. Hunger strikes at any moment and so does high energy consumption, but with Mitsubishi Electric ductless air conditioners, you can walk out your study room with the peace of mind the next room you go to will be heated or cooled to your demands without affecting the entire building.



Easy Installation


The Mitsubishi ductless air conditioning systems are very easy to install with little to no ductwork required, so you don't have to worry about costly remodeling expenses or disorder in your home interrupting your life.


One of the great features of the Mitsubishi ductless air conditioning system is its ease of installation. A qualified contractor can usually install it in about a day. The sleek, ductless air indoor unit mounts discreetly within the space, and with a pair of small refrigerant lines plus power and control wiring, connect it to the outdoor unit through a small three-inch opening in the wall.


Wall-Mounted M SeriesMitsubishi Electric Wall-Mounted MS-FE Series


The M series Mitsubishi ductless air conditioners are the most popular choice. This classic design will suit any home and the super-efficient wall-mounted units qualify for Energy Star ratings. Wall mounted (or high wall) heat pumps save floor space and are designed to suit the style of any home.


Hyper Heating Systems (H2i)Mitsubishi Electric Wall-Mounted Hyper Heating Unit


Unlike other heat pump air conditioner systems which produce less heat when the outside temperature drops, the Mitsubishi ductless air conditioner Hyper-Heating INVERTER (H2i) Series will perform at its rated capacity down to -13°F. Hyper-Heating INVERTER (H2i) is the only heat pump range that can guarantee this kind of performance. Hyper-Heating INVERTER (H2i) is ideal for; locations where the temperature falls below zero, high altitude areas, high humidity areas or if you simply want the best heating performance available.


Our advanced I-SEE sensor automatically seeks out temperature differences in the room you need to heat, directing airflow to these areas to bring them up or down to temperature. This prevents excessive heating or cooling and therefore unnecessary operation, ensuring total comfort and reduced energy wastage.


Floor-Mounted Series


Designed to sit discreetly at floor level, our floor air conditioner consoles are ideal for replacement of traditional floor mounted heat sources such as night-store heaters or fireplaces. Our compact floor console series air conditioner ensures perfect room temperatures are achieved with both upper and lower vanes distributing air and eliminating draughts while heating.


Mitsubishi Ductless Air Conditioner Inverter control distributes tempered air in the shortest period of time and auto-changeover mode allows the heat pump to switch between modes ensuring that the room is kept at your chosen temperature. This product is perfect for those cold winter months!


Classic Cassette Series


Compact and ultra-quiet, our range of concealed ceiling cassette ductless air conditioners are equipped with four-way airflow and cutting-edge control. The Mitsubishi ductless air conditioner ceiling cassettes are North America’s favorite.


With the lightweight unit sitting in your ceiling space, only the grille is visible providing easy, discreet installation into your home or office. These air conditioners can be controlled through a standard wireless remote or an optionally wired wall controller.


Ducted Series


These ducted Mitsubishi air conditioner units are completely hidden from view with only subtle grilles visible. The unit is installed in the roof cavity and ducts are used to connect to multiple rooms for heating and cooling.


Mitsubishi Air Conditioner Ducted Systems are specifically designed for installation in ceiling spaces. Ideal for large residences or offices, ducted units are the ultimate hidden heating and cooling solution with only grilles visible.


Classic Multi-Room Indoor/Outdoor Units


These Mitsubishi classic multi-room mini splits allow you to connect up to eight indoor units to a single outdoor unit. They provide greater efficiency and flexibility for you to choose the indoor units best suited to each area in your home or office.


With the Mitsubishi air conditioner multi-room systems, you have the flexibility to choose the perfect indoor unit for each room. For example, you may want a super quiet, low capacity unit for a smaller bedroom and a stylish, higher capacity unit for the larger living room. And, you are able to connect these to a single outdoor unit rather than requiring one for each indoor – thus saving outdoor space.


All units on our multiroom air conditioner systems allow individual control of air conditioning in each space, allowing the occupier to adjust the temperature to suit their comfort levels and ensure that it is only operating when needed.




Mitsubishi offers a range of controllers to suit your needs, from simply wired wall controllers to the ultimate web accessible major system control.



NEXT: View & Shop All Mitsubishi Mini Splits